Mykolayiv City Council

Official portal

The priorities of the Ministry on the implementation of the Association Agreement in 2017

The priorities of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine on the implementation of the Association Agreement in 2017
  • Implementation of Applications 17, 32 and 33 in accordance with the Association Agreement
  • Updating and development of  new plans for the implementation of  EU legislation
  • Approval of road maps in international maritime transport and in postal services
  • Establishment of new authorities in accordance with the Association Agreement
  • Development of national registries, envisaged by EU legislative acts
  • Preparation to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) audit
  • Integration of national transport network to European transport system
  • Approval of the updated transport strategy up to 2030
  • Adoption of  basic European integration laws
  • Development of  regulations
  • Development draft law on Multimodal Transport
  • Ratification  conventions in the field of Transport
  • Approval  Concept of  development of  the National transport network of  Ukraine

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