Mykolayiv City Council

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The government has created conditions for the timely completion of Big construction megaproject

5 August 2021, 09:00

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that allows the prepayment for the construction of three artificial structures .

These are three flagship projects of Big Construction.

  • The Zaporizhzhia bridge is the largest and the most famous long-term building in the country, the construction was resumed thanks to the Big Construction project. This bridge is vital for the city of Zaporizhzhia and the entire industrial region. This is a 9-kilometer highway across the Dnipro River in Zaporizhzhia, which consists of 26 artificial structures. The construction continues ahead of the schedule.
  • The Kremenchuk bridge is of national importance. The Kremenchuk road bridges, which closest to the city meet the conditions of modern traffic and are within a radius of 500 km. The existing alternative was built in the days of the Russian Empire, and has been in critical condition for many years.
  • The Yampil bridge – the construction of a border crossing over the Dnister River on the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border. It is a bridge on the route Kyiv - Kyshiniv, which will soon become the main way to travel to Moldova in the controlled territories bypassing the Transnistria Governorate.

These bridges are over 500 m long with span structures and bridge piers. There are currently only 13 such artificial structures in Ukraine.

This solution will provide an opportunity to pay in advance for materials for the bridges construction. The advance should not exceed 100% of their value and it is allocated for a period not exceeding nine months. Previously granted advances are also taken into account. The term of production of metal structures is from 6 to 9 months. According to the world practice, manufacturers do not sell products without full payment.

"To complete the work on time we have to invest timely. I am grateful to our government for the decision to allow the advancement of such important objects for the country. This decision will allow to complete all megaprojects on time.

I want to emphasize that in the bridges construction, we have a high rate of localization – 90% of the materials used are produced in Ukraine. Thus, the Big Construction project supports the Ukrainian metallurgy, mining and processing, " Oleksandr Kubrakov said.

Allocation of the advance will allow to finance the manufacture of the main elements of the bridges - beams of span structures. Currently, there is a need for metal structures with a total cost of:

  • The Zaporizhzhia bridge – UAH 1,2 billion (there is a debt of the contractor to the manufacturers for already delivered materials – UAH 1,1 billion).
  • The Kremenchuk bridge – UAH 1,1 billion.
  • The Yampil bridge – UAH 1,3 billion.




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