Frequently asked questions
Question | Answer |
1. How to get a job at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine? | According to Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Service" entry to the civil service is made by appointment of a citizen of Ukraine on civil service position in result of the competition. In the case of vacant civil service positions in the office of the Ministry of Infrastructure competition shall be announced. |
2. What is the order of competition for taking vacant civil service positions? | The order of competition for the civil service approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.03.2016 № 246. According to this procedure, in case of vacancies, the head of the civil service in state body shall announce the competition to take the vacant post. The announcement of the competition for the vacant civil service position shall be published on the official website of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and of state authority, which announced the competition. |
3. What is the deadline for submission of documents for the competition? | The period for submitting documents for the competition must not be less than 15 and more than 30 calendar days after the publication of information on the competition. Competition results are published within 45 days from the day of the disclosure of information about this competition. |
4. What documents are required to participate in the competition? | A person who would like to participate in the competition, shall submit to the Commission of the competition the following documents: 1) copy of the passport of citizen of Ukraine; 2) written application for the competition, which shall include CV in any form; 3) written application in which a person says that any prohibitions specified by the third or fourth paragraph of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On cleaning power" are applied to her and gives consent to pass inspection and the publication of information in about her in accordance with this Law; 4) copy (copies) of the document (documents) on education; 5) certificate of fluency in the national language; 6) personal card form filled with information; 7) in the case of a closed competition - other documents to verify compliance with the conditions of the competition; 8) Declaration of the person authorized to perform state functions or local government for the period of last year. |
5. Where is placed the list of test questions? | The list of test questions approved by Natsderzhsluzhba together with the Ministry of Justice shall be published on its official website. Possible answers to the test questions are not subject to disclosure. |
6. How to get a job in the company, which is under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Infrastructure? | Employees of enterprises and organizations under authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure (hereinafter - the Company), shall be appointed by the head of the company. So for employment at the company you should apply directly to the company. |
7. How to get a post of a head of the company that is within the competence of the Ministry of Infrastructure? | Heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations under authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure (hereinafter - the managers) shall be appointed solely on a competitive selection in accordance with the directive of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 03.09.2008 № 777 "On the competitive selection of heads of enterprises in the public sector of economy ». |
Question | Answer |
1. What is included to the scope of safety on transport?
| Transport safety includes a wide range of issues and activities relating to traffic safety, flight navigation and transportation of hazardous goods, technical regulations and insurance policy, environmental safety, labour protection and social security in transport and transport safety and civil protection. |