For investors
Dear investors!
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine invites you to open dialog and effective cooperation for investing in the infrastructure of Ukraine.
Successful investments are the best performance indicator of the region and the state as a whole that shows a good environment for conducting business. Ukraine is open for investors.
We are ready to give you all necessary institution, organization and information support in the process of realization of infrastructure investment projects.
Ukraine has profitable geographical and geopolitical position, it is at the cross-roads of the most important ways of world trade and the shortest transport routes in Eurasian region, and Ukraine is European country which has the longest transport corridors and great transit potential.
Statistics of infrastructure project
Transport network of Ukraine includes:
- 22 of railway routes;
- 170 of automobile roads;
- 2,2 domestic navigable waterways;
- 13 sea ports, 4 fishing ports and 11 river terminals;
- 21 airports (2 – public property, 14 – communal property, 5 – other forms of property).
Effective and steady development of all kinds of transport, adoption of high technologies and integration of national transport network of Ukraine into world network is impossible without promotion of investments and attraction of investors into the branch of transport.
The signature of Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement opened new strategic perspective and at the same time made it necessary to engage investments for integration of national transport system into the trans-European system.
Realization of Transport Strategy of Ukraine to 2020 will make it possible to create a good environment to provide investment attractiveness of transport sphere, develop a public-private partnership, and engage investors in improving condition of transport infrastructure of Ukraine.
Priority areas of infrastructure of Ukraine for investment
- Creation of network of interrelated logistic centres and multimodal terminals in the greatest junction points, and checkpoints on the State Border of Ukraine and EU countries;
- Engineering, financing, renewal, usage while building new and reconstructing current railway gauges, stations, pedestrian bridges and tunnels, passenger platforms and other objects used for passenger service on public-private partnership conditions;
- Construction of high-speed railway corridors to increase economic efficacy of passenger transportation;
- Procurement of freight cars and usage of rolling stock.
Automobile roads
- Construction of new automobile roads through concession and mechanism of public-private partnership;
- Engineering, implementation and application of national transport model while planning and developing transport infrastructure strategy;
- Conduct of automobile roads with geoinformation technologies.
Sea and river transport
- Development of new and dredging of current waterways and seaport waters to provide unimpeded passage of watercrafts with big deadweight;
- Engineering and usage of river terminals, flood-gates and dredging;
- Modernization and construction of port infrastructure objects on conditions of the long-term lease, concession, public-private partnership, joint operating agreements, other investment agreements;
- Engineering and adoption of energy-saving technology on sea transport, installation of facilities to produce alternative fuel;
- Navigational support of shipping on domestic waterways and operative technology communication.
To cooperate or/and get more information concerning investment in the sphere of sea and river transport call this phone number: (044) 351-44-79 – Lilia Kondzerska , e-mail:
Go to infrastructure projects in the sphere of sea and river transport
- Development of the system of current airports, runways on airports and their infrastructure;
- Transfer of possession and use of airport property on conditions of concession;
- Renewal of aircraft.
Main strategic purposes of development of infrastructure of Ukraine
- Creation of positive investment climate in Ukraine providing good conditions for attraction of transport sphere for investments;
- Providing development and effective operation of public-private partnership in the sphere of transport infrastructure of Ukraine;
- Attraction of investments on conditions of the long-term lease, concession and privatization;
- Transparent and open access for all subjects to objects of transport infrastructure without any discrimination;
- Modernization and renewal of rolling stock with help of finance lease and credit-export financing;
- Development of competition in the sphere of transport ;
- Implementation of effective control over state-owned assets in the sphere of transport infrastructure.
Room 902, 14 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine,
Directorate of strategic development of infrastructure and investments,
Division of investments
Phone: +38 (044) 351-41-18
Fax: +38 (044) 351-41-11