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    News    7 December 2016, 13:31
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Adoption of the Road Fund is an important achievement in 2016,-Volodymyr Omelyan

7 December 2016, 13:31

An important achievement of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine in 2016 is the adoption of Road Fund. This is practical implementation of European experience in Ukraine.

This was stated by the Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine,-Volodymyr Omelyan on 6 December, 2016 during the meeting with representatives of international financial organizations, ambassadors of European States and community.  Slavomir Nowak, - CEO of Ukravtodor, Igor Smilyansky,-CEO of Ukposhta, Aleksandra Klitina,-Director of the Reform Support Team (RST) also attended the meeting.

The Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine shares some light on the Ministry’s vision for 2017.

"The first good sign is that finally the Road Fund was adopted. The law on decentralization of Ukravtodor is adopted and we have first reading of the new law of the electronic ticket, which is a part of the reform of public transport in Ukraine", - Volodymyr Omelyan said.

He also noted that there was organized  National Round Table to collect public opinion on problematic issues, including multimodal transportation, transit safety, ecological issues, etc. which are under revision right now.

“Every strategy will be only useless paperwork without implementation. Besides every strategy have costs for its implementation at the moment. Compared with the EU countries, Ukraine has limited resources for the implementation of the projects. Currently, the Ministry is working on the approval of technical assistance projects 2018-2020 with EU to support transport strategy. Also start negotiations with the Ministry of Finance to receive EU budget support in 2017, "- Volodymyr Omelyan said.

The reform of public administration is the most important issue today. “I’m proud that our Ministry is the first one conducted audit functions and development of intermediate structure to implement EU best practices. The new structure will be implementing in the beginning of the next year and it will have effect on the internal efficiency improvement. In my personal opinion we should to have transparent efficient system not only in the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine, but in all our state enterprises.”

Volodymyr Omelyan also noted that the Ministry of infrastructure launched the Anti-Corruption department that shows it effectiveness.

Separately Volodymyr Omelyan stressed that the system of procurement for public companies should to be improved: "We understood that ProZorro does not help to avoid all the abuses in the USPA and UZ. Therefore, the work in this area must be significantly strengthened. "

The Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine also noted that the Ministry with the support of international partners can improve and stimulate grows of transit.

Volodymyr Omelyan also stressed that the Ministry is working on the implementation of public-private partnership in Ukraine:  "I would like to inform you about our work on concession law amendment. Together with experts and other stakeholders we finished discussion on PPP policies and agreed all critical issues. Now we are waiting for the first draft law from EBRD experts based on our work. I’m glad that we are starting work with World Bank on its feasibility study. In 2017 we plan to concession of two pilot ports:  SE «Kherson Sea Commercial Port» and SE "Stevedoring Company Olvia", as soon as the new law will be ready for that.”

According to the Minister, the next important topic is reform of USPA , that is planning to start during next year. Development of inland waterways is also a key task for the Ministry. “It is a tool to transport goods and I am very happy to welcome here Ambassador of the Netherland and for their help to work in this area. The next step is approval of law of inland waterways by the Parliament, which will be considered this Thursday. It is also the program of reconstruction of water locks and dredging. This is first time in recent years, when the Ministry has been allocated 100 million UAH. for the reconstruction of the 5 water locks along the Dnipro river and it is possible due to EU support program.”

Separately Volodymyr Omelyan focused on issues of roads: “Challenges is huge in front of Slavomir Novak, but I do believe that with his great experience and personal motivation he will cope with them. We need not only develop the road sector and change the quality of roads, but also pay attention to the road safety. I’m glad to the World Bank for the strategic plan for the development of roads in 2017-2018. It already has been presented to the Ministry".

Also Volodymyr Omelyan noted that in the framework of the strategy for the development of airports will be reconstruction of the runways at regional airports in 2017.

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