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An expanded meeting to discuss the implementation of infrastructure projects and the coordination of foreign donors was held at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

10 September 2018, 14:58

An expanded meeting to discuss the implementation of infrastructure projects and the coordination of foreign donors was held at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on September 10, 2018.

Volodymyr Omelyan, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Hugues Mingarelli, EU Ambassador to Ukraine, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, MP’s, representatives of the diplomatic corps, heads of international financial institutions and state-owned enterprises, Oleksandra Klitina, head of the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Infrastructure and others took part in the event.

During the event, the achievements and progress in the implementation of the reforms in transport sector, as well as priority investment projects were presented.

There were discussed such topis: implementation of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine 2030; Realization of reforms in the transport sector and provision of modern infrastructure development initiatives; Investment priorities in the context of strategic goals of the country; Strategic and investment action plan for the further development of the infrastructure of Ukraine, etc.

After the meeting, a joint briefing of Volodymyr Omelyan, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and  Hugues Mingarelli, EU Ambassador to Ukraine, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine was held.

"We hold an expanded meeting with our international partners. I would like to thank European Delegation in Ukraine for the huge support of our reform program including NTSU 2030", - the head of the Ministry noted at the beginning of the briefing. According to the Minister, Ukraine has already carried out a number of important steps with the support of European partners, in particular, completion of the IMO audit and establishment of Maritime Administration. In addition, the Ministry registered in the Parliament 7 draft laws that are supporting implementation Association Agreement with European Union.

"Also we are moving fast with concession reform, the attraction of private investors is a key for fast modernization of the infrastructure assets. We have road concession law approved by the Parliament, in the same time a general concession law are waiting for the final approval. Thanks to IFIs. EBRD, IFC, US Treasury we are preparing pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for concession of major state stevedoring companies , airports, railway stations, roads. We are expecting that competition for concessions of ports Olvia and Kherson will start this year", - Volodymyr Omelyan said. "Public administration reform is important priority for the government.  I am glad that we already established 3 directorates. Till the end of the year Ministry is planning to complete Public Administration reform and establish 7 major Directorates".

According to the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Road Fund is successfully working: «Our goal is that this funding will allow us to renovate major highways in the next few years. This reform gave start to decentralization and now regional authorities are responsible for 35% of Road fund implementation."

Separately Vladimir Emelyan focuses on priority projects of the Ministry of Infrastructure within the framework of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030.

According to the Minister, number one priority is to build a competitive and efficient transport system. It provides measures to strengthen the institutional capacity of the executive authorities in the transport sector, in particular: the adoption of basic legislative acts provided by the Association Agreement; the adoption of an updated version of the Strategy for the Development of Seaports of Ukraine for the period up to 2038, Aviation transport strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 and strategy for the development of inland waterways.

Measures for the reforming of the railway industry: the formation of the State Railway Transport Service of Ukraine; reform of PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" - organizational and financial separation of infrastructure management, cargo and passenger transportation; liquidation of monopoly in the railway transportation sector, stimulation of the creation of logistics operators, including - with foreign participation.

"Number two priority is the development of innovative transport industry and global investment projects. This means a significant modernization of existing and construction of a new transport objects. In particular, European railway from the Polish to the Romanian border through Lviv-Ivano-Frankivsk-Chernivtsi to connect the main TEN-T corridors of the EU; to increase the speed and organization of high-speed traffic of trains, first of all, in the direction of international transport corridors and on highways connecting the largest cities of Ukraine. Aviation transport - liberalization of air transportation and development of the transit infrastructure of the Boryspil airport (construction of a new cargo terminal, reconstruction of the flight zone №2); technical improvement of the airport air navigation system", - Volodymyr Omelyan said.

Regarding maritime industry, the Ministry is focusing on the formation and strengthening of the operational capacity of the Maritime Administration, the development of the Yuzhny seaport, the development of the Mykolaiv Sea Port and other ports of Ukraine.

"Regarding river transport, we focus our efforts on the safety operation of inland waterways and locks, including their immediate reconstruction and dredging of the river", - the head of the Ministry said.

Priority projects in the road sector are: GO HIGHWAY; construction of northern roundabout around Lviv M-09; construction of Lviv-Ternopil M-09 road;  construction of new road around the Ternopil to M-09 and M-12 road; repair of the M-05 road between Uman and Odesa; construction M-14 road between Odesa and Yuzhny with eastern bypass of Odesa.

Volodymyr Omelyan noted that the development of international trade provides an opportunity for Ukraine to get significant profits in the future. First,  it is necessary to pay attention on the transit traffic from Asia to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe through the territory of Ukraine.

The formation of effective logistic solutions will attract additional transit flows through the territory of Ukraine (both Europe – Asia direction and Baltic Sea - Black Sea - Caspian Sea). The attraction of these cargo flows to Ukraine requires the construction of a highly efficient container transport system. Multimodal / container transportation is a modern and most economical type of cargo delivery. It is planned to develop an appropriate regulatory and legal base aimed at development of multimodal transport in Ukraine.

"Ukraine should become a powerful logistics hub between Europe and Asia and take an active part in implementation of the Chinese initiative "One Belt, One Way", - Volodymyr Omelyan said.

"Digital technologies are also among the priorities of the Ministry. "It is necessary to develop a unified program (strategy) for the digitalization of all Ukrainian transport sector, to develop a new digital business models and to create platforms for interaction with customers in order to increase the efficiency of work and strengthen competitive positions on the markets. To ensure the cyber security of transport infrastructure it is planned to create a center for cyber defense of transport infrastructure", - the Minister of Infrastructure said.

"Safe for society, eco-friendly and energy-efficient transport is the main ideology of the National Transport Strategy. It provides the improvement of public safety transport management in accordance with international standards and introduction of a weigh-in-motion (WIM) system. Transport is becoming more energy-efficient and "green", safe for passengers, customers and the environment. The speed of transport is increasing and a national network of high-speed auto charging stations for electric vehicles are creating"- Volodymyr Omelyan said.

According to the Minister, mobility and interregional integration require a complex of measures for the development of passenger transportation between the regions of the country the development of urban transport networks:  the introduction of a "single ticket" (a pilot project is being implemented in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Belaya Tserkov, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Lviv, Ternopil); modernization of regional airports (Cherkasy, Sumy, Poltava, Ternopil, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhhorod, Khmelnytsky); the development of urban electric transport (within the framework of the implementation of the Financial Agreement (Project "Urban Public Transport of Ukraine") between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank ", 7 cities were selected in 2018); the connection of the basic airports with the railway network and where it possible, with inland waterways.

"The result of the implementation of the strategy should be the formation of a unified transport space of Ukraine, in which the transport infrastructure of the national and regional levels will be efficiently integrated, the transport infrastructure of cargo owners, and a common information space for interaction of various modes of transport. These are not just plans - we are already working on it. We hope for the full support of our international partners. Thanks to the Reform support team for coordinating work with our international partners, - Volodymyr Omelyan said.

Hugues Mingarelli, EU Ambassador to Ukraine, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, noted: "It is a great honor for the EU to be involved in the discussion of the action plan for the implementation of the National Transport Strategy 2030. One of the objectives of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is the development of economic and trade relations between Ukraine and the EU. And in order to succeed, we need to eliminate all bottlenecks in the transport industry. That is why we support Volodymyr Omelyan and his team in two directions: the first is the improvement of the regulatory environment, and the second is the modernization of the infrastructure network. We need to do this in road, rail, aviation, sea and river industries. "

"Regarding the regulatory environment, our main task is to harmonize Ukrainian legislation with the EU legislation. And we need to work not only together with the Ministry, but also to involve the Transport Committee of the Verkhovna Rada to cooperation. So in the next months, I plan to intensify my contact with both the Minister of Infrastructure and the Transport Committee of the Verkhovna Rada", - Hugues Mingarelli said.

"Regarding the modernization of the infrastructure network, we plan to attract the necessary funding. From the EU side, we fully mobilize the EIB, as our financial instrument, as well as all possibilities of the EU investment plan. Except the economic reasons, we do this from many others. First, to increase the road safety in Ukraine, where, unfortunately, many people are still losing their lives on the roads. We also do this for environmental reasons. Through the modernizing and improving environmental friendliness of the various modes of transport, we can jointly tackle climate change and air pollution", - the Head of the Mission emphasized. "So, the EU will support Minister Volodymyr Omelyan and his team in the implementation of the National Transport Strategy, which is extremely important for development of Ukraine ".

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