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    News    14 February 2022, 14:25
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Attempt to block Black Sea ports: ports are operating in regular mode

14 February 2022, 14:25

Special vessels of the State institution "Derzhhidrohrafiia" inspected more than 50% of the maritime corridor between the western border of the area of illegal maritime exercises of the Russian Federation and the south-eastern edge of the Dnister Bank. Depths have been confirmed in the range of 15-22 meters, so the current recommendations to ships on safe access to the ports of the Odesa Bay remain valid.

"We continue to do everything possible to prevent any navigation obstacles and illegal entry into Ukrainian ports. Our main task is to ensure the safety of the passage of ships and not to destabilize the situation. Merchant vessels received recommendations in advance and accepted them, so the Black Sea ports are operating in regular mode," Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yurii Vaskov said.

The vast majority of vessels use the corridor and adhere to the recommended 20 meters deep isobath to connect with Ukrainian ports operating in regular mode.

By the end of February 14, the work will be completed, and all information will be immediately brought to the ships in the coastal warnings of Ukraine. Navigation maps will also be updated in the prescribed manner and published in notices for Ukrainian seafarers.

It should be mentioned, that in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the State institution "Derzhhidrohrafiia" of the State Service for Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine continues to update data on depths for safe navigation in connection with blocking heavy traffic, recommended routes and approaches to Ukrainian Black Sea ports by Russian Federation.

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