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    News    22 February 2022, 20:15
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The Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany discussed the situation on the air services between the countries

22 February 2022, 20:15

Today, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov and Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany Volker Wissing held a working call on flight safety in the area of ​​responsibility of Ukraine and ensuring flights of German airlines to Ukrainian cities.

“ Despite provocative statements by Russia, the security situation in Ukrainian airspace remains under control. We have been preparing for such scenarios in the airspace since 2014. 

We appealed to our German fellow civil servants to help restore the dynamics of air services between Ukraine and Germany. In particular, we emphasized that it’s important for us that the Lufthansa Group and other German companies, that have temporarily canceled their flights to Kyiv and Odesa, facilitate the ability of Ukrainian airlines to operate them.” — the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov said.

Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov also thanked the German Government for today's decision to suspend the certification of Nord Stream 2. At this time, our common priority is to ensure energy independence in Europe – the Minister stressed.

We should also recall that on November 19, 2022, Ukraine International Airlines began ticket selling from Kyiv to Munich and Geneva to provide air services that Lufthansa Group is temporarily unable to operate. In addition, the company has increased the capacity of aircraft on these routes.

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