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Ministry budget

Budget programs for 2016

3101010 KPKVK "General governance and management of infrastructure"

Total funding - 36 236.7 thousand of UAH.


1. To provide legal regulation of road, rail, sea and river transport, rendering of postal communication and air transport services.

2. To determine priority areas of development of road, rail, sea and river transport, rendering of postal communication and air transport services.

3. To inform and furnish explanations on the implementation of state policy in the sphere of road, rail, sea and river transport, rendering of postal communication and air transport services.

4. To brief law practice, develop proposals for its improvement and introduction of draft legislative acts, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the sphere of road, rail, sea and river transport rendering of postal communication and air transport services in the prescribed manner to the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers.

3101210 KPKVK "Support of operating and safe condition of shipping locks, inland waterways, including dredging"

Total funding - 39 039.7 thousand of UAH.


1. To ensure accident-free traffic of vehicles on the waterways.

2. To ensure proper technical condition and technogenic and ecological safety of shipping locks.

3105010 KPKVK "Support of activities of the State Special Transport Service"

Total funding - 400 942.0 thousand of UAH.


1. To construct, repair and increase service life and capacity of objects of national transport system in peacetime and in times of crisis.

2. To rebuild transportation services affected destroyed because of technogenic and natural emergency situations, accidents, disasters, armed conflict and warfare.

3. To protect objects of the national transport system of Ukraine in peacetime and in times of crisis.

4. To complete other tasks related to the defence of the state.

3107010 KPKVK "National Agency on Preparation and Holding of Finals of the 2012 Football European Cup in Ukraine and the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects"

Total funding - 136.7 thousand of UAH.


1. To ensure the accomplishment of organizational measures for the implementation of infrastructure projects

3108010 KPKVK "Aviation transport management"

Total funding - 99 997.0 thousand of UAH.


1. To offer proposals concerning state policy in the sphere of civil aviation and airspace use.

2. To implement state policy in the sphere of civil aviation and airspace management.

3. To exercise the state control and supervise the safety of civil aviation.

4. To organize development of the legal framework for regulating civil aviation activities.

5. To certify and register objects and subjects of civil aviation and license air transportation.

7. To organize air transportation.

8. To promote international economic and law activities of civil aviation.

3109010 KPKVK "State control of security on transport"

Total funding - 66 586.4 thousand of UAH.


1. To implement the state policy on safety in the automobile, urban electric, rail, sea and river transport.

2. To exercise the state supervision (control) on automobile, urban electric, rail, sea and river transport.

3. To provide in case defined by law administrative services in automobile, urban electric, rail, sea and river transport.