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Oleksandr Kubrakov: In 2024, we want to focus on projects that contribute to economic growth

26 September 2023, 21:23

On 26 September, Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov co-chaired the sixth meeting of the Steering Committee of the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine.

Mr Kubrakov presented the priorities for the recovery of Ukraine for 2024, spoke about the progress of reconstruction’s current financing needs, and achieved results, specifically in the reforms important for the economic stability of Ukraine.

"In 2022, we focused on the projects that allowed us to survive. In 2023, we were restoring social and critical infrastructure. In 2024, we will focus on projects that will promote economic growth.

We strive to restore our economic sustainability as much as possible. This means creating export opportunities, supporting critical and social infrastructure for providing services to the population and business, ensuring security, housing, and jobs for citizens," said Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine – Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.

Among the priorities for recovery: energy sector and overcoming the winter period; housing reconstruction; transport infrastructure, in particular capacity expansion at key border crossings with the EU and Moldova, as well as railway and port terminals; reconstruction of municipal infrastructure, including water supply; provision of social services to the population, especially in health and education; humanitarian demining; and support to the private sector.

Mr Kubrakov also noted progress on key reforms. In particular, the implementation of the best international practices in the field of public procurement, the preparation of changes to the laws on public-private partnerships (PPP) and concessions, the maximum digitalization of services and procedures in construction, strengthening of liability for violations. As well as the strengthening of regional policy instruments, which includes updating the State Strategy for Regional Development, constructing a coordinated architecture of planning documents, and the development of the Methodology for prioritization of restoration projects. The foundation of a transparent and accountable recovery has been laid, thanks to introducing the DREAM reconstruction management electronic ecosystem.

Oleksandr Kubrakov thanked partners for the assistance provided to Ukraine's reconstruction and their readiness to continue financial support to priority projects and long-term recovery.

"The Ukrainian government continues to implement the reforms necessary to ensure a favorable investment climate, the rule of law, transparency, and accountability, and the building of strong institutions," Kubrakov stressed.

Participants also discussed the current need to finance the budget deficit for 2024 and the key elements of the four-year Ukraine Plan that the government is now developing under the new EU instrument, the Ukraine Facility.


The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine started its work in January 2023. Its aim is to coordinate international efforts to provide financial support for Ukraine's short- and medium-term recovery.

The Platform brings together representatives from Ukraine, the G7, the European Union, and partners from international financial institutions, in particular the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank.

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