Tasks in the maritime transport industry
The main tasks in the maritime transport industry are:
1. Improving the competitiveness of the port industry by:
- improving efficiency, quality and speed of cargo processing;
- upgrading and developing public port infrastructure facilities, in particular road and rail access roads;
- ensuring efficient state regulation of specialized services provided in the seaport by natural monopolies and services, payment for which is included in the port dues;
- improving documentation system, simplifying licensing procedures, reducing the time of cargo processing;
- creating conditions for fair competition between domestic seaports;
- supporting the creation of equal and competitive conditions for business activities and receiving services in the seaports;
- coordinating capacity utilization and handling facilities expanding in seaports;
- providing technological development of the port industry and port industry specialists training through:
- o introducing modern technologies of loading and unloading;
- o improving training facilities for port industry specialists training.
2. Creating a network of clusters by:
- establishing a list of seaports and cluster types;
- expanding the list of services provided in seaports;\
- attracting private investments for development of seaports, in particular, offering companies of port industry or port infrastructure facilities for concession.
3. Active participation in international organizations in order to create conditions for cross-border cargo transportation
4. Bringing seaport standards into conformity with the European ones
5. Interaction with the seaports of the Black Sea (development and implementation of cargo traffic attracting programs etc.)
6. Other tasks:
- creating favorable conditions to attract private investments for the development of port infrastructure facilities;
- providing sovereign guarantees and investor rights protection;
- ensuring the creation of sufficient depths on the access roads and water areas of seaports to service large vessels such as "Capsize" near berths;
- modernizing and upgrading port and auxiliary fleet;
- ensuring the effective functioning of system of a surface conditions in the territorial waters of Ukraine monitoring, regulation of maritime traffic optimizing, effective and timely search and rescue at sea;
- providing development of vessel traffic management system;
- ensuring the development of port community information system, informatization of technological processes at seaports;
- improving documenting procedures of cargo, vehicles and passengers;
- concluding international agreements on search and rescue at sea;
- purchasing and upgrading rescue equipment;
- ensuring effective functioning and development of systems of technical and informational support for navigation safety;
- improving staff’s potential level, updating and upgrading educational and technical resources for training of port industry specialists;
- developing skill upgrading programs for seaports employees to maintain new technological systems;
- supporting schools for port industry specialists;
- enhancing level of labor protection;
- providing proper sanitary conditions of work in seaports;
- ensuring that social infrastructure of the port industry is used for the intended purpose;
- implementing EU standards of work with hazardous cargo;
- bringing standards of environmental safety of seaport into conformity with international ones.
The main tasks in the river transport industry are:
- Creating a new organizational, legal and economic management model for inland waterway transport;
- Developing competition in the river transportation market to create preconditions for the formation of new business entities of different forms of ownership that will realize cargo and passenger transportation;
- Improving the competitiveness of inland waterway transport in the domestic and foreign market of transport services;
- Increasing the investment attractiveness of the sector;
- Creating conditions for the modernization and construction of river fleet, as well as for upgrading and modernization of technical and special fleet;
- Meeting the needs of the national economy and population in transportation;
- Increasing the carrying capacity of inland waterway transport by increasing the navigation period, using icebreakers, creating safe conditions for the round-the-clock movement of vessels;
- Maintaining the guaranteed dimensions of navigable passes throughout the full length of the transit waterways;
- Improving the navigation support for navigation in inland waterways and rapid technological communication systems;
- Providing sustainable operation of a river information system and its functioning in interaction with the surface situation monitoring system;
- Increasing the use of transit potential of the country;
- Accelerating the integration of domestic river transport into the European transport system;
- Increasing transport safety, operational reliability of navigable hydraulic structures (locks), performing scheduled preventive repair works;
- Reducing the technological burden on the rail and road transport infrastructure due to the reorientation of the part of cargo transportation to inland waterway transport;
- Reducing the number of pollutant emissions into the environment.